Sunday, September 19, 2010

Stay Happy...Stay Fit

When faced with a life changing event, such as a lay off or other unexpected job change, it's easy to get into a funk. By that, I mean, it's easy to simply sit around and wait for the next big thing to happen. Well, take it from someone that has been'll be waiting a long time!

Better...why not take advantage of this opportunity and get some things done. If you've always wanted to learn the piano, take up scrapbooking, start a coin collection or it now! Start to exercise - the energy that you will reap and the regular routine will do you good.

So...let's hear some of the fun stories about how people have taken advantage of a lay off or other serious job change to improve their lives!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Things are continuing to roll along...

Let's get this blog rolling again. I'd love to hear what is going on in the world of those that have either experienced a layofff or are about to be downsized. What strategies have you employed? What little tricks and tips do you have that would help others in the same situation?

The economy continues to grind along at a snail's pace, with some shockingly real drops in public sector employment last month (most of which is contributed to census workers being reduced). Still...there are pockets of hope out there. Some people are being sucessful in finding new work, moving into new, exciting chapters in their lives and discovering new skills and talents.

Let's get some conversation going. Let's support each other.