Tuesday, March 17, 2009


OK....so, here you are. Yep...here you are.

Soooooo......still here, are you?!?

Well, it's been a week or three and you're wondering what you should be doing at this point, right? Well, when you figure that out, let us all know. Ha! Really though, there is no magic "one size fits all" solution for this situation. Whatever size you need, whatever shape you need it to take, then that's the right one!

Some things to consider during this time:
  1. Do you have a resume and several cover letters ready to go?
  2. Have you developed both a chronological and a functional resume? Both might come in handy when you're in an interview situation. (Not IF you're in an interviewing situation, but WHEN...).
  3. Have you taken the time to put together at least two (preferably three or four) unique interviewing outfits? You don't need to go out and spend several thousand dollars on new clothes, just put together a few combinations, put them on hangers and separate them from the rest of the clothes in your closet. It will give you peace of mind knowing that you're ready to go "at a moments notice".
  4. Have you done something that you enjoy...every day?? As mentioned previously, this is time you won't get back again. Take advantage of it. You don't need to be searching for a job 24/7. Put in your normal work time every day towards finding work, networking, searching the job boards, etc. but then go out and enjoy yourself. After all, you deserve it!
  5. Exercise. If only for a short walk. It will help. Really.
  6. Read the paper. Read a book. Your mind will thank you when you're 70!
  7. Smile. Talk to friends on the phone. Write an email. Post on facebook every day.
So...there you are. These weeks are for you. These weeks will be productive and will be the foundation upon which your job search will lay.

Ok...your turn. Share your story.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Surviving a lay off...DAY ONE

"The company is taking a different direction."

"The company has re-organized"

"Today is your last day"

Any of these statements might be the vehicle through which your boss tells you that you've been layed off. You might be sitting across a table from your boss, alone. Or...you might be sitting around a table with several of your co-workers. Worse yet, you might be in a large group, listening to some HR person who only just introduced himself to you five minutes ago. No matter how you slice it, it stinks. And it hurts.

You probably had to quickly pack up your things. One box. 10 minutes. Goodbye.

On the drive home, you probably cried. You might have swore a bit. Once home, you may have sought comfort in the arms of your loved ones. Or you might have just sat in your home, quietly trying to understand what happened to you only minutes ago.

Ther's no magical elixir that you can drink or healing incantation you can chant that will either make you feel better or help you understand the situation. It just is. Most often, there isn't much sense in what happened. The timing doesn't seem to make sense, the people who got layed off vs. the employees that stayed doesn't seem to make sense and the conversations that you had, up to mere minutes before they let you go don't make sense.

Unfortunately, the longer you dwell on it, the less it makes sense.

On this first day, and for the following days, here is my advice to you.

1. Be with people you love.
2. Tell everyone that you know about what happened. This makes it way less "scary" and "shameful". You'll be surprised how many others are affected as well. Also, maybe one of those folks you tell knows someone who knows someone who is hiring?!?
3. Exercise. Walk. Run. Work out. Whatever you do, be sure to do it.
4. Resiste the urge to start spamming your resume all over the place. Spend the first week or two creating a strategy for your search.
5. Breathe and relax. You're not working. Do a thing or two that you've wanted to do but which work prevented. Go to the ballet. Go to a matinee. Go to the beach for the day.

Ok. You've been laid off. Now let's begin to think about what's next. Stay tuned.

Share your story below.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

What's the best job board?

Hi there...let's get some action going on which job boards are the best! Monster, careerbuilder, indeed and so on....

Tell us what you like, what you don't like. Tell us which you have bookmarked. Tell us which you pay absolutely no attention to.

Let's get the convo started! Let's help each other.

Share your story.

Friday, March 6, 2009

How long is too long??

I was having a cup of coffee at my local "morning go to cafe" today and overheard a couple of young, hipster looking guys discussing the job market. One of the "untucked, big collar shirt wearing guys" was saying that he didn't think that 6 months on the search was too much. Another was saying that he felt something should come across a "good candidates" desk in under two months. I resisted the urge to lean in and give my two and a half cents worth. After all who wants the advice of a 40 something when you have all the experience and wisdom that comes with having JUST GRADUATED FROM COMMUNITY COLLEGE LAST SUMMER ?!?

So...the question for today. How long is too long? Should we all expect to get a job within a certain time frame? Does it have to do with your benefits (unemployment, COBRA, etc.)? Is it dictated by your bills and financial obligations? Is it dictated by your wife or mother?

Share. Now.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Using a Career Coach??

What exactly is a career coach? I know what a volleyball coach is....or a softball coach, but a CAREER coach??

Anyone out there have any experience with a career coach? Anyone have a story to tell?

Are you a career coach? Drop a comment to fill us in...we're waiting!

Using a cafe as your new office?

I've found that I can get a whole lot done when spending time in one of the gazillion cafes in the Portland, OR area. Coffee, laptops, music, people...it doesn't get any better than that!

What resources are you using? Where are you doing your business? Tips/tricks?

Back in a minute...I have to order another tall non-fat latte!


Well, here it is! A place for everyone and anyone to discuss the job market, being layed off, downsizing, job searching, RIF's and so on.

Enjoy...share a story. Read a story. Cry. Laugh. Commiserate.

It's all just Phun and Games, right?!?